
Hope & Passion.

For years I have seen this young persons face and passed it by. This morning I took 5 minutes and watched this short clip. And I cried. And I was a better person for it. I hope it touches you as it did me.

A great friend with over 30 years of professional experience as a PSYD-PHD shared with me that when you have Anxiety, you have no Hope.

You have most likely heard this song before, but have you ever really heard it? I mean to say, have you really,really heard it….

My hope is that you understand a little better now. I do.

Don’t Worry Be Happy

In 1988 Bobby Mcferrin released what would become a mantra for the original MTV generation. Few people know the story behind his inspiration.

This blogpost was written using content found on Wikipedia linked here
The Indian mystic and sage Meher Baba (1894–1969) often used the expression “Don’t worry, be happy” when cabling his followers in the West. However, Meher Baba communicated variations of the sentiment; fuller versions of the quote – such as, “Do your best. Then, don’t worry; be happy in My love. I will help you”β€” which incorporate responsibility (“do your best…”) alongside the detachment (“don’t worry…”), as well as the master/disciple spiritual relationship (“I will help you”). In the 1960s, the truncated version of this expression by Baba was printed up on inspiration cards and posters of the era. In 1988, McFerrin noticed a similar poster in the apartment of the jazz band Tuck & Patti in San Francisco. Inspired by the expression’s charm and simplicity, McFerrin wrote the now famous song, which was included in the soundtrack of the movie Cocktail, and became a hit single the next year. In an interview by Bruce Fessier for USA Weekend magazine in 1988 McFerrin said, “Whenever you see a poster of Meher Baba, it usually says ‘Don’t worry, be happy,’ which is a pretty neat philosophy in four words, I think.”

Booby Mcferrin-Don’t Worry, Be Happy

1966 Don’t Worry Be Happy inspiration card


As we begin 2014 this January lets remember our attitude will determine our altitude.

Check your head. Let’s go! 😊